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API Data Structure

Request Body


Parameters Description
lyrics []string
Required. Each element is a sentence of the lyrics.
bgm_index integer
Optional. The index of the background music. Default is 0.
model_version string
Optional. The version of the model. Default is the newest version.


  "lyrics": [
  "bgm_index": 0,
  "model_version": "v2"

Response Body

Result Fields

Parameters Description
code string
Result code
message string
uuid string
The uuid of this request.
duration number
Accurate to two decimal places, representing the synthesis length of the AI Vocal (unit: seconds).
lyrics []string
mix_data_url string
DataUrl of the mixing wave file

The response structure is based on Engine Response.

The result of engine execution would be wrapped into result field.


  "usage": {
    "energy": {
      "request": 0,
      "response": 23,
      "service": 0,
      "total": 23
  "result": {
    "code": "0000",
    "duration": 23.33,
    "lyrics": [
      "SP a shi ta he n o mi chi SP",
      "SP a ru ki tsu zu ke ta shi n go u SP",
      "SP ga ku shu u su ru chi n o u SP",
      "SP chi ha tsu zu ku ha te ma de mo SP",
      "SP byo u ki ga ko wa i ga SP",
      "SP cha n su n a shi ka SP",
      "SP cha ra cha ra shi ta ya tsu cha n to shi te cha i n a ga do ko ka SP",
      "SP cha ri n o to shi ta ra SP"
    "message": "SUCCESS",
    "mix_data_url": "data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRhClQQBXQVZFSlV...",
    "uuid": "9e413155-1a1c-44aa-868e-767ab44f430e"

Error Response Body

Result Fields

Parameters Description
code string
Result code
message string
detail string
Error detail.
info string
Error info.

The result will be wrap into message field of Engine Response.