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Using HTTP header Authorization: Bearer <JWT/ST> to authorize the request.

There are two types of tokens: JWT and ST.


You will get a Credential after creating an application. The Credential contains the public key and private key.


  "app_id": "<app_id>",
  "id": "<credential_id>",
  "description": "new credential",
  "created_at": 1700239266,
  "expires_at": 1686240000,
  "secret": "<public_key>",
  "secret_private": "<private_key>",
  "type": "JWT-EC-ES256"

JWT Token

JWT token is a JSON Web Token, it's a standard for representing claims securely between two parties. It's a signed token, and the server can verify the token's signature to ensure the token's integrity.

How to build JWT token

The JWT Token has three parts: header, payload, and signature. The three parts are separated by a dot.

The header is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • alg: Required, The algorithm used to sign the token, it should be ES256.
  • typ: Required, The type of the token, it's JWT.
  • kid: Required, The key ID of the token.


  "alg": "ES256",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": "<credential_id>"

The payload is a JSON object with the following fields:

  • iss: Required, The issuer of the token, it should be as same as your <app_id>.
  • sub: Required, The subject of the token, it can be as same as your <app_id> or user id.
  • aud: Required, The audience of the token, it should be the server's domain name
  • exp: Required, The expiration time of the token, it's a Unix timestamp.
  • iat: Required, The issued at time of the token, it's a Unix timestamp.
  • jti: Required, The JWT ID of the token, it's a unique identifier for the token.
  • nbf: Optional, The not before time of the token, it's a Unix timestamp.


  "iss": "<app_id>",
  "sub": "<app_id>",
  "aud": "",
  "exp": 1686240000,
  "iat": 1700239266,
  "jti": "<jwt_id>"

Using Credential's private key to make a signature of header and payload with the algorithm ES256 as the JWT token's signature.



For more information about JWT, please refer to RFC 7519.

Or you can use the library to generate the JWT token.

ST Token

ST token is a short-lived token, issued by server, and the client can use it to access the server's resources directly.

It would be like ast-<string>

It's not recommended to use ST token in the client side due to the security issue.