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Error Response

When an error occurs, the response body will contain an error object and the HTTP status code will be set to an error status code.

Response body

Result Fields

Parameters Description
error_level string
Error Level, critical, urgent, normal
error_category string
Error Category, server, client, database, cache, process, internal, undefined
error_code string
Error Code, it combine status_code and 3 digits sub code.
message string
Error Message, the detail message form inside or third party error response body.
status_code integer
Error Status Code, it's as same as http response status code when it's http response.
error string
Error Status
data string
Error Response Data, tid for request tracking id


  "error_level": "normal",
  "error_category": "client",
  "error_code": "400102",
  "message": "{\"code\":\"9999\",\"message\":\"ERROR\",\"detail\":\"[{'type': 'model_attributes_type', 'loc': ('body',), 'msg': 'Input should be a valid dictionary or object to extract fields from', 'input': '{\\\"lyrics\\\":[\\\"sometimes it will\\\"],\\\"bgm_index\\\":1}'}]\"}",
  "status_code": 400,
  "error": "invalid_request",
  "data": {
    ".message": {
      "code": "9999",
      "detail": "[{'type': 'model_attributes_type', 'loc': ('body',), 'msg': 'Input should be a valid dictionary or object to extract fields from', 'input': '{\"lyrics\":[\"sometimes it wil\"],\"bgm_index\":1}'}]",
      "message": "ERROR"
    "cid": "3cDF65zLSCoq7rDTv0f000",
    "tid": "400WTl5PZ6RRJkwBNN2eiv"